Hills Independent Traders Ltd
Welcome to the new HIT web site. We hope you will benefit from the many features that we have developed for our customers.

This web site has been designed to assist equity option customers in monitoring and evaluating the listed option markets.

HIT can only execute business on behalf of LIFFE member firms.

To access the features click on the HIT triangle, and enter your UserID/Password when prompted. If you do not currently have a UserID/Password, or you require more information about this site, call HIT on 0171 667 2880 or e-mail George@Hillstraders.co.uk

Please read the disclaimer before continuing!
© Copyright 1996-1998 HIT Ltd. This information is intended for the use only of clients of Hills Independent Traders Ltd who are market counterparties or business investors as defined by the rules of the Security and Futures Authority . It is not intended for the use of any other person. Any opinions expressed constitute our views on the date indicated and are subject to change without notice. Information provided does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities or to enter into any transaction in derivative products. The information is from sources believed to be reliable, but HIT Ltd does not make any representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness. Participation in transactions in derivative products involves the risk of unexpected or adverse market developments. HIT Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of any losses arising from the use of this website ot its contents. Continued use of this website is deemed to constitute acceptance of these terms.

This website is for historical purposes only. The company shown no longer exists and hasn't done so since 2006.

"George! What the bloody hell are you doing?"

HIT in the news!

Foul, abusive and embarrassing language - it's par for the course on the floor of Liffe

Foul-mouthed trader applauded on to the floor

Van der Moolen Holding NV acquires Hills Independent Traders Ltd. from Binck NV.

Torment of a married trader whom 'macho' bullies in the City falsely accused of being gay in six-year bullying campaign.